Sunday, February 14, 2010

It's Makeover Time - AND a GIVEAWAY!

That's right, I've been working on making over my house, I really need a hair makeover right now... and it's finally time to reveal the long overdue Puzzle Piece Photography makeover!  My sister-in-law Arien (pictured in the last post) is a graphic designer has been working with me on my new logo since last October, and we were able to pin down the exact colors I wanted while I was visiting Utah over Thanksgiving.  Here's what she came up with, isn't she amazing?
Now, with the new look, I have a new blog and website that will be easier to find and remember.  Now you can just go to for session information and prices and for session sneak peeks, everyday ramblings, and giveaways like these!  This blog will  no longer be updated.  Speaking of.  I'm sure that's what you've all been waiting for, I know I would be if I were you. ;)  In honor of Puzzle Piece Photography makeover week I'm giving away one FREE mini session!  Now what does that entail?  A 30 minute session for up to 6 people, a low resolution CD with 15-20 digital images, and a $15 print credit so you can pick a few favorites to put up in your home, all for free! 

Now don't worry if you don't win I have a deal for you too.  I don't normally offer mini sessions, but every once in a while I'm going to be having "Mini Session Days," and this Saturday the 20th of February will be one of them.  I will be holding it at the Everett Arboretum.  At the bottom of this post I'll put some pictures of my boys that were taken there this past November, so you can see what it looks like.  Spots will be available in 30 minute increments from 10:00 a.m.-12:00 a.m., and 2:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m.  That means there are only 8 available spots for this Saturday so act fast!

If you sign up now you will recieve the same as the winner, a 30 minute session for up to 6 people, a low resolution CD with 15-20 digital images, AND a $15 print credit, all for only $75!  If for some reason this Saturday doesn't work for you, I will honor the price and we can find a different time that does work for you and your family.  If you happen to live in UTAH feel free to enter too, or book your mini session, because we will be visiting Utah County at the end of April through the beginning of May.

There are several ways to ENTER to WIN the FREE MINI SESSION. You can become eligible through entering any or all of the following ways for a total of six entries:

FIRST, visit my NEW BLOG where you will find this same post and leave a comment letting me know what your favorite thing is about my new blog.  Your comments MUST be left at my NEW BLOG in order to be eligible to win.

SECOND, visit my NEW BLOG where you will find this same post and leave a comment letting me know what your favorite thing is about my new WEBSITE. Your comments MUST be left at my NEW BLOG in order to be eligible to win.

THIRD, become a fan of Puzzle Piece Photography on FACEBOOK and leave on comment on my NEW BLOG in order to be eligible to win.

FOURTH, comment on one of the photos or photo albums on my FACEBOOK PAGE and leave a comment on my NEW BLOG saying you did so in order to be eligible to win.  I know this is a stretch but I want to give you more opportunities to win. ;)

FIFTH, follow Puzzle Piece Photography on TWITTER.  I won't be twittering much, but my Twitter account is linked to my facebook page, so when I update my status there you will also be able to see it on Twitter.  Make sure you leave a comment on my NEW BLOG letting me know that you are now following on Twitter if you want to be eligible to win.

SIXTH, post a link about my giveaway on YOUR BLOG.  Make sure you leave a comment here at my NEW BLOG letting me know that you did so.

The contest will end on WEDNESDAY February 17th, at MIDNIGHT Pacific time, and the winner will be chosen through their comment number on  This is why it's very important that you comment on my NEW BLOG in order to be eligible.

So go and get yourself a makeover, if you need one, although I doubt you do... and get ready for pictures!

Now for a few of my boys at the Everett Arboretum.  Enjoy!









tearese February 15, 2010 at 3:57 PM  

so did you get a business license then?

Alycia February 15, 2010 at 4:00 PM  

Yea, I do have a business license. It's pretty crazy to see it all in writing. ;)

About Me

I am amazed at the impact pictures have had in my life. In something as simple as the click of a shutter I can have those precious moments in my life preserved forever. This has become even more important to me since I have been married and had children. I look back at pictures even a month ago and can't believe how much my children have grown. Imagine if I didn't have that to look back on, and see how far they've come. I will always treasure those times, and continue to capture more as I look toward the future.

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